Save your smile from agony.

This herbal medicine helps to restrict bleeding piles and burning sensation. It avoids local anatomists of blood vessels and congestion by proper blood circulation.


Each film coated tablet contains :

Shuddha Guggulu 35 mg
Shuddha Shilajit 25 mg
Nagkesar 15 mg
agandha Ext 32 mg
Nimb bij 140 mg
Gulabpatti 100 mg

Processed in : 

Haritaki 32 mg
Bibhitak 32 mg
Amala 32 mg
Daruharidra 32 mg
Kanchnar 32 mg
Vacha 20 mg
Surankand 20 mg
Colour (Iron oxide black) q.s.
Excipients q.s.

Medical Description

Shuddha Guggulu :- Useful in fistula, it is mild laxative, removes inflammation in anal region & worms.
Shuddha Shilajit :- It is mild laxative, gas-remover, purgative and gives peaceful outlet of stool.
Nagkesar :- It is digestive and checks anal bleeding thereby taking care of the surrounding fascia from infection and helps to shrink pile mass.
Ashwagandha Ext. :- It is a health promoter and avoids inflammation.
Nimb Bij :- It is krumihar (wormicidal), helps in ulcer and very useful for skin disease.
Gulabpatti :- It is mild laxative, stool purifier and cleans it.
Haritaki, Bibhitak & Amala :- All these are mild laxatives and make smooth the anal region.
Daruharidra :- It is useful in Hemorrhoids and prevents the ulcers.
Kanchnar :- It helps to prevent inflammation of anal region and works as mild laxative.
Vacha :- It is useful in Fistula and Hemorrhoids.
Surankand :- Very useful in inflammation in anal region, Hemorrhoids, Fistula.

Dosage : Two tablets thrice a day with water.

Packing : 3×10 Tablets strip pack & 500 tablets


  • In acute and chronic piles
  • In Hemorrhoids
  • In Anal Fissures
  • In Thrombophlebitis
  • In chronic constipation
  • In Purities
  • In Fistula