Eat less and digest well.

Hercoli is one of the best digestive herbal medicines and good appetizer and safe antidiorrhoel too. It is a drug of choice for ulcerative colitis, amoebic dysentery.


Kadachhal 600 mg Usir 200 mg
Bilva Garbha 400 mg Ativish 200 mg
Mochras 400 mg Jaiphal 200 mg
Nagarmoth 200 mg Flavoured syrup base Q.S.
Devdar 200 mg

Each 10 ml syrup contains

Medical Description

Kadachhal & Bilva Garbha :- These two herbs are very effective in controlling diarrhoea of any origin. By retaining the excessive loss of fluid in stool, they help to avoid dehydration in the body.
Mochras & Nagarmoth :- Owing to their astringent quality, they work very well in checking dysentery and in inflammation of the bowels.
Devdar & Usir :- These two herbs play good role in simple and in infectious type of diarrhoea.
Ativish & Jaiphal :- These two herbs are digestive, vat & pitt nashak and control diarrhoea and help to bring back normalcy in consistency of the stool.

Dosage : 2 to 4 Tablespoon thrice a day

Packing : 100 ml, 200 ml & 450 ml


  • In diarrhoea of any origin
  • In dysentery
  • In sprue
  • In giardiasis
  • In ulcerative colitis