Blood is the precious gem of body.

Hemon is a natural haemostatic working effectively in all types of anaemia whereby increasing the iron and hemoglobin level in the body.


Punarnava Churna 1750 mg
Trifla Churna 1250 mg
Pipalimool Churna 50 mg
Suvarna Makshik Bhasma 50 mg
Loh Bhasma 50 mg
Mandur Bhasma 50 mg

Each Hard giletin Capsule contains

Medical Description

Punarnava Churna :- Punarnava is a best diuretic and ‘shothagna’ too, hence it is used to decrease the edema during pregnancy and remove the toxin from urine and blood. It allows the blood to circulate fluently in the body without any obstruction.
Trifla Churna :- It is one of the best antibiotics in Ayurveda. Harde, Baheda and Amla all these three help blood circulation by avoiding constipation and keep the bowel free from gases etc.
Pipalimool :- Active in creating proper enzyme and digests food well.
Suvarna Makshik Bhasma :- It is Rasayan, Vrushya, used in eye diseases, vomiting, throat diseases, and specially in anaemia.
Loh Bhasma :- It improves the iron and hemoglobin in iron-deficiency anaemia. Hence it is very essential in profuse blood loss in pregnant ladies too.
Mandur Bhasma :- It works in the same way as loh bhasma hence it is useful in iron deficiency anaemia

Dosage : 2 Capsules with milk thrice a day

Packing : 30, 60 & 500 Capsules


  • In Anaemia, especially in iron deficiency
  • In low hemoglobin
  • In lactating mothers
  • In prolonged illness
  • In pregnancy
  • For Anaemia in children